Temporal Forces Set Logo and Icon

General Statistics About the Pokemon Temporal Forces Set
Release Date:
March 22, 2024
Number of Cards:
Secret Cards:
Pokemon Temporal Forces is the Fifth main pokemon set of the Scarlet and Violet era.
The set introduces us once again to the pokemon ACE Spec Cards. A single use item card with powerful ability that can shift the game to your favor. The first ace cards were featured way back in the Black & White TCG era.
The Temporal Forces set continues the Future and Anciant pokemon card designs featured first in the Paradox Rift Set.
Checklist of Temporal Forces
If you are looking to complete the Pokemon Temporal Forces set, this is where you can find the full list of cards in the set.
Below you can find the complete set list of Temporal Forces:
Set Name | Card Name | Set Number | Rarity |
Temporal Forces | Scyther | 001/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Pineco | 002/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Seedot | 003/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Nuzleaf | 004/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Shiftry | 005/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Shroomish | 006/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Breloom | 007/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Roselia | 008/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Roserade | 009/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Turtwig | 010/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Grotle | 011/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Torterra ex | 012/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Shaymin | 013/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Cottonee | 014/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Whimsicott | 015/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Deerling | 016/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Sawsbuck | 017/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Grubbin | 018/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Dhelmise | 019/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Bramblin | 020/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Brambleghast | 021/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Scovillain ex | 022/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Rellor | 023/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Rabsca | 024/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Iron Leaves ex | 025/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Ponyta | 026/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Rapidash | 027/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Slugma | 028/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Magcargo | 029/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Victini | 030/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Heatmor | 031/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Litten | 032/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Torracat | 033/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Incineroar ex | 034/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Turtonator | 035/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Sizzlipede | 036/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Centiskorch | 037/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Gouging Fire ex | 038/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Totodile | 039/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Croconaw | 040/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Feraligatr | 041/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Carvanha | 042/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Sharpedo | 043/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Keldeo | 044/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Snom | 045/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Frosmoth | 046/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Wiglett | 047/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Finizen | 048/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Palafin | 049/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Walking Wake ex | 050/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Pikachu | 051/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Raichu | 052/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Electabuzz | 053/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Electivire | 054/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Charjabug | 055/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Vikavolt | 056/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Zeraora | 057/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Yamper | 058/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Boltund | 059/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Wugtrio ex | 060/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Hands | 061/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Iron Thorns | 062/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Mr. Mime | 063/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Marill | 064/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Azumarill | 065/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Girafarig | 066/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Latias | 067/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Bronzor | 068/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Bronzong | 069/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Solosis | 070/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Duosion | 071/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Reuniclus | 072/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Elgyem | 073/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Beheeyem | 074/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Cutiefly | 075/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Ribombee | 076/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Scream Tail | 077/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Flutter Mane | 078/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Valiant | 079/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Iron Valiant | 080/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Crown ex | 081/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Meditite | 082/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Medicham | 083/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Relicanth | 084/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Drilbur | 085/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Excadrill | 086/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Golett | 087/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Golurk | 088/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Rockruff | 089/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Lycanroc | 090/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Mudbray | 091/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Mudsdale | 092/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Rolycoly | 093/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Carkol | 094/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Coalossal | 095/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Great Tusk | 096/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Great Tusk | 097/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Sandy Shocks | 098/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Iron Boulder ex | 099/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Ekans | 100/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Arbok | 101/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Gastly | 102/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Haunter | 103/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Gengar ex | 104/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Poochyena | 105/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Mightyena | 106/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Sableye | 107/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Farigiraf ex | 108/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Roaring Moon | 109/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Forretress | 110/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Scizor ex | 111/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Mawile | 112/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Beldum | 113/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Metang | 114/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Metagross | 115/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Meltan | 116/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Melmetal | 117/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Treads | 118/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Koraidon | 119/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Koraidon ex | 120/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Miraidon | 121/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Miraidon ex | 122/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Raging Bolt ex | 123/162 | Double Rare |
Temporal Forces | Lickitung | 124/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Lickilicky | 125/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Hoothoot | 126/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Noctowl | 127/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Dunsparce | 128/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Dudunsparce | 129/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Skitty | 130/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Delcatty | 131/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Chatot | 132/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Pidove | 133/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Tranquill | 134/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Unfezant | 135/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Minccino | 136/162 | Common |
Temporal Forces | Cinccino | 137/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Drampa | 138/162 | Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Jugulis | 139/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Ancient Booster Energy Capsule | 140/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Awakening Drum | 141/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Bianca’s Devotion | 142/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Boxed Order | 143/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Buddy-Buddy Poffin | 144/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Ciphermaniac’s Codebreaking | 145/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Eri | 146/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Explorer’s Guidance | 147/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Full Metal Lab | 148/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Future Booster Energy Capsule | 149/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Hand Trimmer | 150/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Heavy Baton | 151/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Hero’s Cape | 152/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Master Ball | 153/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Maximum Belt | 154/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Morty’s Conviction | 155/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Perilous Jungle | 156/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Prime Catcher | 157/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Reboot Pod | 158/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Rescue Board | 159/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Salvatore | 160/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Mist Energy | 161/162 | Uncommon |
Temporal Forces | Neo Upper Energy | 162/162 | ACE Rare |
Temporal Forces | Shiftry | 163/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Grotle | 164/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Deerling | 165/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Sawsbuck | 166/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Litten | 167/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Snom | 168/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Charjabug | 169/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Bronzor | 170/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Reuniclus | 171/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Cutiefly | 172/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Relicanth | 173/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Excadrill | 174/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Mudsdale | 175/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Arbok | 176/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Gastly | 177/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Metagross | 178/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Meltan | 179/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Lickitung | 180/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Chatot | 181/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Minccino | 182/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Cinccino | 183/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Drampa | 184/162 | Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Torterra ex | 185/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Leaves ex | 186/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Incineroar ex | 187/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Gouging Fire ex | 188/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Walking Wake ex | 189/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Wugtrio ex | 190/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Crown ex | 191/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Boulder ex | 192/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Gengar ex | 193/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Farigiraf ex | 194/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Scizor ex | 195/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Raging Bolt ex | 196/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Bianca’s Devotion | 197/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Ciphermaniac’s Codebreaking | 198/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Eri | 199/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Explorer’s Guidance | 200/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Morty’s Conviction | 201/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Salvatore | 202/162 | Ultra Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Leaves ex | 203/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Gouging Fire ex | 204/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Walking Wake ex | 205/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Crown ex | 206/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Boulder ex | 207/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Raging Bolt ex | 208/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Bianca’s Devotion | 209/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Eri | 210/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Morty’s Conviction | 211/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Salvatore | 212/162 | Special Illustration Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Leaves ex | 213/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces | Gouging Fire ex | 214/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces | Walking Wake ex | 215/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Crown ex | 216/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces | Iron Boulder ex | 217/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces | Raging Bolt ex | 218/162 | Hyper Rare |
Temporal Forces Pack Arts
In terms of pack arts, you can find 4 different art styles when opening some Temporal Forces products.

Card Type Breakdown and Statistics of Temporal Forces Set
In case you want more information & Statistics on the cards in pokemon Temporal Forces set i got you covered. You can find all the information in the table below.
Card Type | Quantity |
Common Cards | 71 |
Uncommon Cards | 55 |
Rare Cards | 14 |
ACE Rare Cards | 7 |
Double Rare Cards | 15 |
Illustration Rare Cards | 22 |
Ultra Rare Cards | 18 |
Special Illustration Rare Cards | 10 |
Hyper Rare Gold Cards | 6 |
Temporal Forces Pack Pull Rates
Temporal Forces completion process is pretty easy compared to the last pokemon set Paldean Fates. With a total of 218 cards to collect Temporal Forces will take some time to complete, yet one that any pokemon collector can pull off.
Below you can find the amount of packs it takes to pull each card type in the Pokemon Temporal Forces set.
Type of Card | Amount Of Packs To Pull |
Double Rare Card | 1/6 |
Ultra Rare Card | 1/14 |
Illustration Rare Card | 1/10 |
Special Illustration Rare Card | 1/28 |
Hyper Rare (Gold) Card | 1/45 |
Final Notes on Temporal Forces
Pokemon Temporal Forces set continuing the future and anciant pokemon play style while adding abit more playability options with the return of the ACE Spec trainer cards.
The Temporal Forces got a great selection of cool looking illustration cards to collect. Plus some great cards to mix the pokemo n TCG meta. This makes it a fantastic scarlet and violet set to be open and enjoy the pokemon game to it’s fullest both for players and collectors alike.