Scarlet & Violet Base Set Logo and Icon

General Statistics About the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Base Set
Release Date:
March 31, 2023
Number of Cards:
Secret Cards:
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Base is the first set of the scarlet and violet era.
The new set comes with a total of 258 cards, with new pokemons from the scarlet and violet video games of generation 9.
Alongside the generation change we see several new things such as:
- Changes from yellow to silver card frames.
- New pokemon rarity system.
- And even updated pack rearrangement.
Checklist of Scarlet & Violet Base
If you are looking to complete Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Base set, this is the full list of cards you can find in the set:
Set Name | Card Name | Set Number | Rarity |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pineco | 001/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Heracross | 002/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Shroomish | 003/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Breloom | 004/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cacnea | 005/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cacturne | 006/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tropius | 007/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Scatterbug | 008/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Spewpa | 009/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Vivillon | 010/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Skiddo | 011/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gogoat | 012/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Sprigatito | 013/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Floragato | 014/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Meowscarada | 015/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tarountula | 016/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tarountula | 017/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tarountula | 018/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Spidops ex | 019/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Smoliv | 020/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Smoliv | 021/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dolliv | 022/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arboliva | 023/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toedscool | 024/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toedscool | 025/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toedscruel | 026/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Capsakid | 027/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Capsakid | 028/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Scovillain | 029/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Growlithe | 030/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Growlithe | 031/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arcanine ex | 032/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Houndour | 033/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Houndoom | 034/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Torkoal | 035/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Fuecoco | 036/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Crocalor | 037/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Skeledirge | 038/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Charcadet | 039/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Charcadet | 040/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Armarouge | 041/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Slowpoke | 042/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Slowbro | 043/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Magikarp | 044/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gyarados ex | 045/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Buizel | 046/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Floatzel | 047/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Alomomola | 048/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Clauncher | 049/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Clawitzer | 050/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Bruxish | 051/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Quaxly | 052/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Quaxwell | 053/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Quaquaval | 054/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wiglett | 055/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wiglett | 056/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wugtrio | 057/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cetoddle | 058/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cetoddle | 059/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cetitan | 060/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dondozo | 061/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tatsugiri | 062/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Magnemite | 063/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Magneton | 064/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Magnezone ex | 065/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Mareep | 066/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flaaffy | 067/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pachirisu | 068/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rotom | 069/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rotom | 070/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toxel | 071/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toxtricity | 072/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawmi | 073/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawmi | 074/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawmo | 075/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawmot | 076/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wattrel | 077/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wattrel | 078/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Kilowattrel | 079/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miraidon | 080/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miraidon ex | 081/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Drowzee | 082/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Hypno | 083/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Ralts | 084/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Kirlia | 085/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gardevoir ex | 086/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Shuppet | 087/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Banette ex | 088/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Drifloon | 089/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Drifblim | 090/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flabébé | 091/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Floette | 092/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Florges | 093/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dedenne | 094/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dedenne | 095/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Klefki | 096/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Fidough | 097/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Fidough | 098/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dachsbun | 099/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flittle | 100/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flittle | 101/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flittle | 102/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Espathra | 103/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Greavard | 104/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Greavard | 105/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Houndstone | 106/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Mankey | 107/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Primeape | 108/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Annihilape | 109/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Meditite | 110/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Medicham | 111/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Riolu | 112/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Riolu | 113/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Lucario | 114/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Sandile | 115/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Krokorok | 116/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Krookodile | 117/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Hawlucha | 118/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Silicobra | 119/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Sandaconda | 120/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Stonjourner | 121/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Klawf | 122/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Great Tusk ex | 123/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Koraidon | 124/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Koraidon ex | 125/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Grimer | 126/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Muk | 127/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Seviper | 128/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Spiritomb | 129/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Croagunk | 130/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toxicroak ex | 131/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawniard | 132/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Bisharp | 133/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Kingambit | 134/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Maschiff | 135/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Maschiff | 136/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Mabosstiff | 137/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Bombirdier | 138/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Forretress | 139/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Varoom | 140/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Varoom | 141/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Revavroom | 142/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Iron Treads ex | 143/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Chansey | 144/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Blissey | 145/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Zangoose | 146/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Zangoose | 147/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Starly | 148/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Staravia | 149/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Staraptor | 150/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Skwovet | 151/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Greedent | 152/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Indeedee | 153/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Lechonk | 154/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Lechonk | 155/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Lechonk | 156/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Oinkologne | 157/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Oinkologne ex | 158/198 | Double Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tandemaus | 159/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tandemaus | 160/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Maushold | 161/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Squawkabilly | 162/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cyclizar | 163/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Cyclizar | 164/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Flamigo | 165/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arven | 166/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Beach Court | 167/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Crushing Hammer | 168/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Defiance Band | 169/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Electric Generator | 170/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Energy Retrieval | 171/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Energy Search | 172/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Energy Switch | 173/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Exp. Share | 174/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Jacq | 175/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Judge | 176/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Katy | 177/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Mesagoza | 178/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miriam | 179/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Nemona | 180/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Nest Ball | 181/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pal Pad | 182/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Penny | 183/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Picnic Basket | 184/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Poké Ball | 185/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pokégear 3.0 | 186/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pokémon Catcher | 187/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Potion | 188/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Professor’s Research [Sada] | 189/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Professor’s Research [Turo] | 190/198 | Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rare Candy | 191/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rock Chestplate | 192/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rocky Helmet | 193/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Switch | 194/198 | Common |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Team Star Grunt | 195/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Ultra Ball | 196/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Vitality Band | 197/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Youngster | 198/198 | Uncommon |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Tarountula | 199/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dolliv | 200/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toedscool | 201/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Scovillain | 202/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Armarouge | 203/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Slowpoke | 204/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Clauncher | 205/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Wiglett | 206/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Dondozo | 207/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pachirisu | 208/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Pawmot | 209/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Drowzee | 210/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Ralts | 211/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Kirlia | 212/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Fidough | 213/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Greavard | 214/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Riolu | 215/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Sandile | 216/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Klawf | 217/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Mabosstiff | 218/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Bombirdier | 219/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Kingambit | 220/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Starly | 221/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Skwovet | 222/198 | Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Spidops ex | 223/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arcanine ex | 224/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gyarados ex | 225/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Magnezone ex | 226/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miraidon ex | 227/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gardevoir ex | 228/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Banette ex | 229/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Great Tusk ex | 230/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Koraidon ex | 231/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Toxicroak ex | 232/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Iron Treads ex | 233/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Oinkologne ex | 234/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arven | 235/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Jacq | 236/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Katy | 237/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miriam | 238/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Penny | 239/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Professor’s Research [Sada] | 240/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Professor’s Research [Turo] | 241/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Team Star Grunt | 242/198 | Ultra Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Spidops ex | 243/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miraidon ex | 244/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Gardevoir ex | 245/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Great Tusk ex | 246/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Koraidon ex | 247/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Iron Treads ex | 248/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Arven | 249/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Jacq | 250/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miriam | 251/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Penny | 252/198 | Special Illustration Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Miraidon ex | 253/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Koraidon ex | 254/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Nest Ball | 255/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Rare Candy | 256/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Basic Lightning Energy | 257/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet (Base Set) | Basic Fighting Energy | 258/198 | Hyper Rare |
Scarlet & Violet Base Pack Arts
In terms of pack arts, you can find 4 different art styles when opening some Scarlet & Violet Base products.

Card Type Breakdown and Statistics of Scarlet & Violet Base Set
As I mentioned above we got a new pokemon rarity system starting from this set.
There are a total of 8 different rarity tiers Also known as the pokemon star rarity system.

In case you want more information & Statistics on the cards in pokemon Scarlet & Violet Base set i got you covered. You can see the distribution below of card types and quantity for the entire complete set.
Card Type | Quantity |
Common Cards | 105 |
Uncommon Cards | 60 |
Rare Cards | 21 |
Double Rare Cards | 12 |
Illustration Rare Cards | 24 |
Ultra Rare Cards | 20 |
Special Illustration Rare Cards | 10 |
Hyper Rare Gold Cards | 6 |
You can find 8 new energy card designs and even a holofoil version of them known as the cosmos holo energy cards found in the pokemon 151 set.
Scarlet & Violet Base Pack Pull Rates
Scarlet & Violet Base brings us a new form of pokemon pack arrangement, with 2 reverse holo spots and one hit of rare and above. Every rare card is now holographic and the names of the rarities have been altered as well (Shown down at the table).
Below you can find a small taste of the type of card and the amount of packs it takes to pull one of them.
Type of Card | Amount Of Packs To Pull |
Double Rare Card | 1/7 |
Ultra Rare Card | 1/15 |
Illustration Rare Card | 1/13 |
Special Illustration Rare Card | 1/32 |
Hyper Rare (Gold) Card | 1/52 |
Final Notes on Scarlet & Violet Base
As a new generation of pokemon TCG Scarlet & Violet Base does a wonderful job.
We got many cool looking cards to collect with new and improved pull rates And the set showcasing the new characters and pokemons from the Scarlet & Violet video games in a lovely way.
As a pokemon set, Scarlet and Violet Base new pack opening experience is very fun and you can pull so many unique and interesting cards for your collection.