Paradox Rift Set Logo and Icon

General Statistics About the Pokemon Paradox Rift Set
Release Date:
November 3, 2023
Number of Cards:
Secret Cards:
Pokemon Paradox Rift is the Forth main pokemon set of the Scarlet and Violet era.
The set introduces us to the new Paldea, ancient and futuristic pokemons featured in the video games of scarlet and violet.
The Paradox Rift set has several similarities to the sword and shield era set of battle styles. With 266 cards in total and 2 unique play styles we can surely expect paradox rift to make an impact on the pokemon TCG.
Checklist of Paradox Rift
If you are looking to complete the Pokemon Paradox Rift set, this is where you can find the full list of cards in the set.
Below you can find the complete set list of paradox rift:
Set Name | Card Name | Set Number | Rarity |
Paradox Rift | Surskit | 001/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Masquerain | 002/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Froslass ex | 003/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Pansage | 004/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Simisage | 005/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Dwebble | 006/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Crustle | 007/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Bounsweet | 008/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Steenee | 009/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Blipbug | 010/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Dottler | 011/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Orbeetle | 012/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Nymble | 013/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Nymble | 014/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Toedscool | 015/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Toedscool | 016/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Toedscruel | 017/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Wo-Chien | 018/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Magby | 019/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Pansear | 020/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Simisear | 021/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Volcanion | 022/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Fuecoco | 023/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Crocalor | 024/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Charcadet | 025/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Charcadet | 026/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Armarouge ex | 027/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Moth | 028/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Chi-Yu | 029/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Horsea | 030/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Seadra | 031/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Kingdra | 032/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Remoraid | 033/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Octillery | 034/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Feebas | 035/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Milotic | 036/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Snorunt | 037/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Garchomp ex | 038/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mantyke | 039/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Palkia | 040/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Panpour | 041/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Simipour | 042/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Vanillite | 043/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Vanillish | 044/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Vanilluxe | 045/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Tsareena ex | 046/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Wimpod | 047/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Wimpod | 048/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Golisopod | 049/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Golisopod ex | 050/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Wiglett | 051/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Wiglett | 052/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Wugtrio | 053/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Veluza | 054/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Dondozo | 055/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Iron Bundle | 056/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Chien-Pao | 057/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mewtwo ex | 058/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Elekid | 059/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Plusle | 060/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Minun | 061/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Blitzle | 062/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Zebstrika | 063/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Joltik | 064/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Galvantula | 065/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Zekrom | 066/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Oricorio | 067/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tapu Koko ex | 068/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Toxel | 069/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Iron Hands ex | 070/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Natu | 071/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Xatu | 072/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Latios | 073/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Deoxys | 074/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Yamask | 075/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Cofagrigus ex | 076/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Pumpkaboo | 077/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Gourgeist | 078/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Flittle | 079/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Flittle | 080/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Espathra | 081/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tinkatink | 082/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tinkatink | 083/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tinkatuff | 084/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tinkaton | 085/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Scream Tail | 086/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Gimmighoul | 087/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Gimmighoul | 088/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Iron Valiant ex | 089/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Onix | 090/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Gligar | 091/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Gliscor | 092/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Groudon | 093/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Gible | 094/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Gabite | 095/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Mienfoo | 096/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Mienshao | 097/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Hoopa ex | 098/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Minior | 099/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Toxtricity ex | 100/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Nacli | 101/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Nacli | 102/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Naclstack | 103/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Garganacl | 104/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Klawf | 105/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Flamigo | 106/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Slither Wing | 107/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Sandy Shocks ex | 108/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Ting-Lu | 109/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Zubat | 110/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Golbat | 111/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Crobat | 112/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Absol | 113/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Purrloin | 114/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Liepard | 115/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Trubbish | 116/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Garbodor | 117/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Yveltal | 118/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Nickit | 119/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Thievul | 120/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Morpeko | 121/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Lokix | 122/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Brute Bonnet | 123/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Roaring Moon ex | 124/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Steelix | 125/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Jirachi | 126/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Ferroseed | 127/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Ferrothorn | 128/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Durant | 129/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Honedge | 130/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Honedge | 131/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Doublade | 132/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Doublade | 133/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Aegislash | 134/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Aegislash ex | 135/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Zacian | 136/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Skeledirge ex | 137/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Orthworm | 138/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Gholdengo ex | 139/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Altaria ex | 140/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tatsugiri | 141/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Porygon | 142/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Porygon2 | 143/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Porygon-Z | 144/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Aipom | 145/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Ambipom | 146/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Miltank | 147/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Whismur | 148/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Loudred | 149/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Exploud | 150/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Spinda | 151/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Swablu | 152/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tandemaus | 153/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Tandemaus | 154/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Maushold ex | 155/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Bombirdier ex | 156/182 | Double Rare |
Paradox Rift | Cyclizar | 157/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Iron Jugulis | 158/182 | Rare |
Paradox Rift | Ancient Booster Energy Capsule | 159/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Counter Catcher | 160/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Cursed Duster | 161/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Defiance Vest | 162/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Earthen Vessel | 163/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Future Booster Energy Capsule | 164/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Larry | 165/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Luxurious Cape | 166/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Mela | 167/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Norman | 168/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Parasol Lady | 169/182 | Common |
Paradox Rift | Professor Sada’s Vitality | 170/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Professor Turo’s Scenario | 171/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Rika | 172/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Roark | 173/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Shauntal | 174/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Snorlax Doll | 175/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Technical Machine: Blindside | 176/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Technical Machine: Devolution | 177/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Technical Machine: Evolution | 178/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Technical Machine: Turbo Energize | 179/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Techno Radar | 180/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Tulip | 181/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Medical Energy | 182/182 | Uncommon |
Paradox Rift | Crustle | 183/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Dottler | 184/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Toedscruel | 185/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Magby | 186/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Moth | 187/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Snorunt | 188/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mantyke | 189/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Vanillish | 190/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Wimpod | 191/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Veluza | 192/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Plusle | 193/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Minun | 194/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Blitzle | 195/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Joltik | 196/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Espathra | 197/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Gimmighoul | 198/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Groudon | 199/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mienshao | 200/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Minior | 201/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Garganacl | 202/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Slither Wing | 203/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Garbodor | 204/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Yveltal | 205/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Morpeko | 206/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Brute Bonnet | 207/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Steelix | 208/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Ferrothorn | 209/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Aegislash | 210/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Aipom | 211/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Loudred | 212/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Swablu | 213/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Porygon-Z | 214/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Cyclizar | 215/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Jugulis | 216/182 | Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Froslass ex | 217/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Armarouge ex | 218/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Garchomp ex | 219/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tsareena ex | 220/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Golisopod ex | 221/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tapu Koko ex | 222/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Hands ex | 223/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Cofagrigus ex | 224/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Valiant ex | 225/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Hoopa ex | 226/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Toxtricity ex | 227/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Sandy Shocks ex | 228/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Roaring Moon ex | 229/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Aegislash ex | 230/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Gholdengo ex | 231/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Altaria ex | 232/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Maushold ex | 233/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Bombirdier ex | 234/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Larry | 235/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mela | 236/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Norman | 237/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Parasol Lady | 238/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Professor Sada’s Vitality | 239/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Professor Turo’s Scenario | 240/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Rika | 241/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Roark | 242/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Shauntal | 243/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tulip | 244/182 | Ultra Rare |
Paradox Rift | Garchomp ex | 245/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Golisopod ex | 246/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tapu Koko ex | 247/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Hands ex | 248/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Valiant ex | 249/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Sandy Shocks ex | 250/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Roaring Moon ex | 251/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Gholdengo ex | 252/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Altaria ex | 253/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Mela | 254/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Parasol Lady | 255/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Professor Sada’s Vitality | 256/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Professor Turo’s Scenario | 257/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Rika | 258/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Tulip | 259/182 | Special Illustration Rare |
Paradox Rift | Garchomp ex | 260/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Iron Valiant ex | 261/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Roaring Moon ex | 262/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Beach Court | 263/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Counter Catcher | 264/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Luxurious Cape | 265/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift | Reversal Energy | 266/182 | Hyper Rare |
Paradox Rift Pack Arts
In terms of pack arts, you can find 4 different art styles when opening some Paradox Rift products.

Card Type Breakdown and Statistics of Paradox Rift Set
In case you want more information & Statistics on the cards in pokemon Paradox Rift set i got you covered. You can find all the information in the table below.
Card Type | Quantity |
Common Cards | 77 |
Uncommon Cards | 58 |
Rare Cards | 27 |
Double Rare Cards | 20 |
Illustration Rare Cards | 34 |
Ultra Rare Cards | 28 |
Special Illustration Rare Cards | 15 |
Hyper Rare Gold Cards | 7 |
Paradox Rift Pack Pull Rates
Compared to other scarlet and violet sets, the paradox rift completion process is very similar to Paldea Evolved. With 80+ secret cards to collect. This makes paradox rift one of the hardest modern pokemon sets to have a complete master set.
Below you can find the amount of packs it takes to pull each card type in the Pokemon Paradox Rift set.
Type of Card | Amount Of Packs To Pull |
Double Rare Card | 1/7 |
Ultra Rare Card | 1/15 |
Illustration Rare Card | 1/12 |
Special Illustration Rare Card | 1/31 |
Hyper Rare (Gold) Card | 1/51 |
Final Notes on Paradox Rift
Pokemon Paradox Rift set taking the playable card game in a new, and somewhat familiar “Battle style”.
We are introduced to the future and ancient pokemons and their unique playstyle. This as a set creates much more play options and makes playing the pokemon card game more varied.
The Paradox Rift Set got a great mix of new game mechanics and a bunch on cool looking cards to collect. This makes it one of the more important scarlet and violet sets to be released, Impacting both the collectable aspect and the card game meta.