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Pokemon Unite Game Review – Nintendo Switch

What is Pokemon Unite?

Pokemon unite is a free to play MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) online game, where you will be battling together with several other players around the world in a 5 VS 5 battle royale to score the most points.

The pokemon unite game is available to download and play for free from your nintendo switch system and also mobile devices such as phone and IOS.

Since the game launched in July 2021 it has been growing rapidly with extra pokemon fighters and cosmetic items to get.

Pokemon Unite Switch
Pokemon Unite Nintendo Switch

How to Play Pokemon Unite

To play the game first you will have to choose a pokemon character to fight with, each pokemon has 4 unique abilities that can be activated in order to damage enemies or support your teammates.

When the game starts each team will have to move over the map from one side to the other in order to claim points at the enemy goals.

The map has several wild pokemons you can defeat in order to grab some pokeball points, with them you can score goals in the enemy team to advance the fight and level up.

The team with the highest score at the end of the 5 minutes timer is the winner of the match.

Pokemon unite requires teamwork and strategy to win.

Pokemon Unite Features

Unite game allow players to play traditional matches with 5 Vs 5 players in a big arena or have a shorter game version with 3 Vs 3 fights that are smaller and more action oriented.

Pokemon unite is very similar in structure and gameplay to other popular MOBA games like League of Legends or Dota 2.

The pokemon MOBA has the unique appeal of a friendly colorful game with deep mechanics of gameplay.

Pokemon Unite play
Pokemon Unite Nintendo Switch Gameplay

Pokémon Unite Tier List

The pokemon unite game roster consists of around 25 fighters, there are plans to bring more pokemon fighters in the future and expand the game to new heights, below you will be able to see the full pokemon unite roster.

The Pokemon Unite Roster is Split Into 5 Categories:

  • Attacker
  • Speedster
  • Defender
  • Supporter
  • And All-Rounder

Each one with his strangers and weaknesses, the key element in this game is to build a balanced team of pokemons and to strategize a team plan to beat the other team.

Full Pokemon Unite Pokemon Roster (Updated September 2023):

The pokemon unite game keep on growing and expending. Below you can find every playable pokemon unite charecture sorted by release date, with playstyle category.

NumberPokemon NameCategoryRelease Date
57BlazikenAll-Rounder / MeleeSeptember 14, 2023
56MewtwoAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2023
55InteleonAttacker / RangedJuly 4, 2023
54LeafeonSpeedster / MeleeJune 8, 2023
53UmbreonDefender / MeleeMay 25, 2023
52ChandelureAttacker / RangedApril 27, 2023
51LaprasDefender / RangedApril 13, 2023
50GoodraDefender / MeleeMarch 16, 2023
49ZacianAll-Rounder / MeleeFebruary 27, 2023
48ComfeySupporter / RangedFebruary 2, 2023
47DragapultAttacker / RangedDecember 29, 2022
46UrshifuAll-Rounder / MeleeDecember 1, 2022
45SableyeSupporter / MeleeNovember 16, 2022
44ZoroarkSpeedster / MeleeOctober 27, 2022
43ClefableSupporter / MeleeOctober 13, 2022
42ScizorAll-Rounder / MeleeSeptember 29, 2022
41DodrioSpeedster / MeleeSeptember 15, 2022
40MewAttacker / RangedSeptember 2, 2022
39TyranitarAll-Rounder / MeleeAugust 16, 2022
38BuzzwoleAll-Rounder / MeleeAugust 3, 2022
37GlaceonAttacker / RangedJune 21, 2022
36DelphoxAttacker / RangedJune 8, 2022
35EspeonAttacker / RangedMay 16, 2022
34AzumarillAll-Rounder / MeleeApril 8, 2022
33DuraludonAttacker / RangedMarch 15, 2022
32HoopaSupporter / RangedFebruary 24, 2022
31AegislashAll-Rounder / MeleeFebruary 10, 2022
30TrevenantDefender / MeleeJanuary 20, 2022
29DragoniteAll-Rounder / MeleeDecember 20, 2021
28TsareenaAll-Rounder / MeleeDecember 9, 2021
27DecidueyeAttacker / RangedNovember 19, 2021
26GreedentDefender / MeleeOctober 20, 2021
25SylveonAttacker / RangedOctober 6, 2021
24MamoswineDefender / MeleeSeptember 29, 2021
23BlastoiseDefender / RangedSeptember 1, 2021
22BlisseySupporter / MeleeAugust 18, 2021
21GardevoirAttacker / RangedJuly 28, 2021
20ZeraoraSpeedster / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
19PikachuAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021
18CharizardAll-Rounder / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
17SnorlaxDefender / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
16CrustleDefender / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
15GreninjaAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021
14EldegossSupporter / RangedJuly 21, 2021
13TalonflameSpeedster / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
12LucarioAll-Rounder / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
11VenusaurAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021
10Mr. MimeSupporter / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
9SlowbroDefender / RangedJuly 21, 2021
8AbsolSpeedster / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
7MachampAll-Rounder / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
6WigglytuffSupporter / RangedJuly 21, 2021
5Alolan NinetalesAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021
4CramorantAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021
3GengarSpeedster / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
2GarchompAll-Rounder / MeleeJuly 21, 2021
1CinderaceAttacker / RangedJuly 21, 2021

To Summarize Pokemon Unite

Pokemon unite is an amazing game from Nintendo and the pokemon company, it combines the pokemon brand in a clever way that lets you experience pokemon battles in a new way. The lunch of the game was solid, strong pure fun with a lot of potential.

We will have to keep an eye on this game and see if it can survive the test of time like other games in its place, but one thing is for sure, pokemon is here to stay with us for the next decades in one way or another.

Pokemon Unite Logo