Below you can check Every Digimon Card Game Starter Deck available, from the latest version to the oldest, you can see each and every Digimon TCG deck list and decide for yourself if you would like to get one to your collection.
What Can You Expect to Find in Each Digimon Starter Deck
In every Digimon card game starter deck you will have a pre-built 50 deck of cards + 4 Digi-Egg cards ready to play with an inclusion of an extra booster pack to expand your collection.
Below you can check all digimon decks ever released from newest to oldest, you can buy digimon products in the link below and support the website while expanding your digimon collection:
Digimon Starter Deck 8

Name: ST-8: Starter Deck UlforceVeedramon
Date: December, 2021
Color: Blue
Contents of Digimon ST-8:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 5 Commons
- 6 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 2 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges.
- Includes 6 Bonus cards.
- Japanese version includes 1 Playsheet.
ST-8 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
DemiVeemon (ST8-01) | 2 | Blue | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Elecmon (BT1-028) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Gabumon (ST8-02) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Dracomon (ST8-03) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Veemon (ST8-04) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Veedramon (ST8-05) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
Coredramon (ST8-06) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Gorillamon (BT1-037) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Monzaemon (BT1-038) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 2 |
Wingdramon (ST8-07) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
AeroVeedramon (ST8-08) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Slayerdramon (ST8-09) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
UlforceVeedramon (ST8-10) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Hammer Spark (ST2-13) | – | Blue | Option | Common | 2 |
Victory Sword (ST8-11) | – | Blue | Option | Uncommon | 4 |
V-Wing Blade (ST8-12) | – | Blue | Option | Common | 4 |
Digimon Promos:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Red Memory Boost! (P-035) | – | Red | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Blue Memory Boost! (P-036) | – | Blue | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Yellow Memory Boost! (P-037) | – | Yellow | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Green Memory Boost! (P-038) | – | Green | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Black Memory Boost! (P-039) | – | Black | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Purple Memory Boost! (P-040) | – | Purple | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Digimon Starter Deck 7

Name: ST-7: Starter Deck Gallantmon
Date: December, 2021
Color: Red
Contents of Digimon ST-7:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 5 Commons
- 6 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 2 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges.
- Includes 6 Bonus cards.
- Japanese version includes 1 Playsheet.
ST-8 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Gigimon (ST7-01) | 2 | Red | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Monodramon (BT1-009) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Agumon (ST7-02) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Guilmon (ST7-03) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Biyomon (ST7-04) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Growlmon (ST7-05) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
GeoGreymon (ST7-06) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
DarkTyrannomon (BT1-019) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Groundramon (BT1-020) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
RizeGreymon (ST7-07) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
WarGrowlmon (ST7-08) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Gallantmon (ST7-09) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
ShineGreymon (ST7-10) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Lightning Joust (ST7-11) | – | Red | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Atomic Blaster (ST7-12) | – | Red | Option | Common | 4 |
Gaia Force (ST1-16) | – | Red | Option | Uncommon | 4 |
Digimon Promos:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Red Memory Boost! (P-035) | – | Red | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Blue Memory Boost! (P-036) | – | Blue | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Yellow Memory Boost! (P-037) | – | Yellow | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Green Memory Boost! (P-038) | – | Green | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Black Memory Boost! (P-039) | – | Black | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Purple Memory Boost! (P-040) | – | Purple | Option | Super Rare | 1 |
Digimon Starter Deck 6

Name: ST-6: Starter Deck Venomous Violet
Date: June 11, 2021
Color: Purple
Contents of Digimon ST-6:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT-04: Booster Great Legend.
ST-6 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Pagumon (ST6-01) | 2 | Purple | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
DemiDevimon (ST6-02) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Gabumon (ST6-03) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Dracmon (ST6-04) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Elecmon (ST6-05) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Garurumon (ST6-06) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Youkomon (ST6-07) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Devimon (ST6-08) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
Kyukimon (ST6-09) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Common | 4 |
SkullSatamon (ST6-10) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
WereGarurumon (ST6-11) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
VenomMyotismon (ST6-12) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
CresGarurumon (ST6-13) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Matt Ishida (ST6-14) | – | Purple | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Death Claw (ST6-15) | – | Purple | Option | Common | 4 |
Nail Bone (ST6-16) | – | Purple | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Digimon Starter Deck 5

Name: ST-5: Starter Deck Machine Black
Date: June 11, 2021
Color: Black
Contents of Digimon ST-5:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT-04: Booster Great Legend.
ST-5 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Kapurimon (ST5-01) | 2 | Black | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Jazamon (ST5-02) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Agumon (ST5-03) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
ToyAgumon (ST5-04) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Commandramon (ST5-05) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Greymon (ST5-06) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Jazardmon (ST5-07) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
DarkTyrannomon (ST5-08) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
MetalGreymon (ST5-09) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Common | 4 |
MetalTyrannomon (ST5-10) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Megadramon (ST5-11) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
Machinedramon (ST5-12) | 6 | Black | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
BlitzGreymon (ST5-13) | 6 | Black | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Tai Kamiya (ST5-14) | – | Black | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Laser Eye (ST5-15) | – | Black | Option | Common | 4 |
Genocide Attack (ST5-16) | – | Black | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Digimon Starter Deck 4

Name: ST-4: Starter Deck Giga Green
Date: June 11, 2021
Color: Green
Contents of Digimon ST-4:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT-04: Booster Great Legend.
ST-4 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Motimon (ST4-01) | 2 | Green | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Floramon (ST4-02) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Tentomon (ST4-03) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Palmon (ST4-04) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Kunemon (ST4-05) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Togemon (ST4-06) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Kuwagamon (ST4-07) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Kabuterimon (ST4-08) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
Okuwamon (ST4-09) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Lillymon (ST4-10) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
MegaKabuterimon (ST4-11) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
Rosemon (ST4-12) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
HerculesKabuterimon (ST4-13) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Izzy Izumi (ST4-14) | – | Green | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Needle Spray (ST4-15) | – | Green | Option | Common | 4 |
Electro Shocker (ST4-16) | – | Green | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Digimon Starter Deck 3

Name: ST-3: Starter Deck Heaven’s Yellow
Date: January 29, 2021
Color: Yellow
Contents of Digimon ST-3:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT01-03: Release Special Booster Ver.1.0.
ST-3 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Tokomon (ST3-01) | 2 | Yellow | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Salamon (ST3-02) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Tapirmon (ST3-03) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Patamon (ST3-04) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Angemon (ST3-05) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
Gatomon (ST3-06) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Unimon (ST3-07) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Common | 4 |
MagnaAngemon (ST3-08) | 5 | Yellow | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Angewomon (ST3-09) | 5 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Magnadramon (ST3-10) | 6 | Yellow | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
Seraphimon (ST3-11) | 6 | Yellow | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
T.K. Takaishi (ST3-12) | – | Yellow | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Heaven’s Gate (ST3-13) | – | Yellow | Option | Common | 4 |
Heaven’s Charm (ST3-14) | – | Yellow | Option | Common | 2 |
Holy Flame (ST3-15) | – | Yellow | Option | Common | 4 |
Seven Heavens (ST3-16) | – | Yellow | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Digimon Starter Deck 2

Name: ST-2: Starter Deck Cocytus Blue
Date: January 29, 2021
Color: Blue
Contents of Digimon ST-2:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT01-03: Release Special Booster Ver.1.0.
ST-2 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Tsunomon (ST2-01) | 2 | Blue | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Gomamon (ST2-02) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Gabumon (ST2-03) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Bearmon (ST2-04) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Ikkakumon (ST2-05) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Garurumon (ST2-06) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
Grizzlymon (ST2-07) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common | 4 |
WereGarurumon (ST2-08) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Zudomon (ST2-09) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Plesiomon (ST2-10) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
MetalGarurumon (ST2-11) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Matt Ishida (ST2-12) | – | Blue | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Hammer Spark (ST2-13) | – | Blue | Option | Common | 4 |
Sorrow Blue (ST2-14) | – | Blue | Option | Common | 4 |
Kaiser Nail (ST2-15) | – | Blue | Option | Common | 2 |
Cocytus Breath (ST2-16) | – | Blue | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Digimon Starter Deck 1

Name: ST-1: Starter Deck Gaia Red
Date: January 29, 2021
Color: Red
Contents of Digimon ST-1:
- A constructed set of 54 cards.
- Includes 16 different cards.
- 7 Commons
- 5 Uncommons
- 3 Rares
- 1 Super Rare
- Includes 2 Memory Gauges with Pop-Out Counters.
- English Starter Decks come with 1 Pack of BT01-03: Release Special Booster Ver.1.0.
ST-1 Digimon Card list:
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity | Quantity |
Koromon (ST1-01) | 2 | Red | Digi-Egg | Uncommon | 4 |
Biyomon (ST1-02) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Agumon (ST1-03) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
Dracomon (ST1-04) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Birdramon (ST1-05) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Coredramon (ST1-06) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Common | 4 |
Greymon (ST1-07) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 2 |
Garudamon (ST1-08) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon | 4 |
MetalGreymon (ST1-09) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Rare | 4 |
Phoenixmon (ST1-10) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Rare | 2 |
WarGreymon (ST1-11) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Super Rare | 2 |
Tai Kamiya (ST1-12) | – | Red | Tamer | Rare | 4 |
Shadow Wing (ST1-13) | – | Red | Option | Common | 4 |
Starlight Explosion (ST1-14) | – | Red | Option | Common | 4 |
Giga Destroyer (ST1-15) | – | Red | Option | Common | 2 |
Gaia Force (ST1-16) | – | Red | Option | Uncommon | 2 |
Buy Digimon Starter Decks
The Digimon starter decks are a great and affordable way to dip into the Digimon card game, the product is ready to pick and play + extra booster can give you a taste of the potential in mixing different digimon cards into your deck.
You are welcome to click the link below and buy yourself some great digimon products while supporting the site:
Digimon Starter Decks Faq’s
According to January 2024 there are a total of 16 Digimon starter decks to choose from, And several more that are planned for the future.
Every digimon deck is marked with an initial “ST” at the top of the deck, the ST stands for “Starter”.
If you are new to the hobby then Yes! It is a great product to start with.
But if you are a veteran Digimon collector there are other options for you to expand your collection.