BT-05: Battle Of Omni is the 5th Booster Set released worldwide, and the 4 english set release after Digimon BT4 Great Legend set.
The BT05 Battle Of Omni booster packs and boxes Includes 112 cards in total to collect:
- 44 Commons
- 30 Uncommons
- 26 Rares
- 10 Super Rares
- 2 Secret Rares
Each Japanese Booster Pack contains 6 cards.
Each English Booster Pack contains 12 cards.
1 Box contains 24 Booster Packs.
Each Box comes with 1 special promotion.
1 Alternate-Art Box Topper.
If you are looking to buy Digimon Card Game products you can use the link below:
Battle Of Omni Pack Art

Digimon BT5 Full Card List
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity |
Koromon (BT5-001) | 2 | Red | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Tsunomon (BT5-002) | 2 | Blue | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Pickmon (BT5-003) | 2 | Yellow | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Yokomon (BT5-004) | 2 | Green | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Tsumemon (BT5-005) | 2 | Black | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Gigimon (BT5-006) | 2 | Purple | Digi-Egg | Uncommon |
Agumon (BT5-007) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common |
Gaossmon (BT5-008) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Common |
Shoutmon (BT5-009) | 3 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon |
Greymon (BT5-010) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon |
Meramon (BT5-011) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Common |
Monochromon (BT5-012) | 4 | Red | Digimon | Common |
Triceramon (BT5-013) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Common |
OmniShoutmon (BT5-014) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Rare |
MetalGreymon: Alterous Mode (BT5-015) | 5 | Red | Digimon | Rare |
WarGreymon (BT5-016) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Rare |
ZeigGreymon (BT5-017) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Uncommon |
Dorbickmon (BT5-018) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Common |
Shoutmon DX (BT5-019) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Super Rare |
Shoutmon DX (BT5-019) | 6 | Red | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Gabumon (BT5-020) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon |
Syakomon (BT5-021) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
Bulucomon (BT5-022) | 3 | Blue | Digimon | Rare |
Gesomon (BT5-023) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
Garurumon (BT5-024) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
Paledramon (BT5-025) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
Coelamon (BT5-026) | 4 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
MarineDevimon (BT5-027) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Common |
CrysPaledramon (BT5-028) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon |
WereGarurumon: Sagittarius Mode (BT5-029) | 5 | Blue | Digimon | Rare |
Neptunemon (BT5-030) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Uncommon |
MetalGarurumon (BT5-031) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Rare |
Hexeblaumon (BT5-032) | 6 | Blue | Digimon | Super Rare |
Cutemon (BT5-033) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Kotemon (BT5-034) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Starmons (BT5-035) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Renamon (BT5-036) | 3 | Yellow | Digimon | Rare |
Gladimon (BT5-037) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Kyubimon (BT5-038) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
ShootingStarmon (BT5-039) | 4 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon |
SuperStarmon (BT5-040) | 5 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon |
Taomon (BT5-041) | 5 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Knightmon (BT5-042) | 5 | Yellow | Digimon | Common |
Jijimon (BT5-043) | 6 | Yellow | Digimon | Uncommon |
Sakuyamon (BT5-044) | 6 | Yellow | Digimon | Rare |
LordKnightmon (BT5-045) | 6 | Yellow | Digimon | Super Rare |
Terriermon Assistant (BT5-046) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Rare |
Palmon (BT5-047) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Common |
Floramon (BT5-048) | 3 | Green | Digimon | Common |
Kiwimon (BT5-049) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon |
Weedmon (BT5-050) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Common |
MoriShellmon (BT5-051) | 4 | Green | Digimon | Common |
Garbagemon (BT5-052) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Common |
Deramon (BT5-053) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Common |
Piximon (BT5-054) | 5 | Green | Digimon | Common |
BanchoLillymon (BT5-055) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon |
Rafflesimon (BT5-056) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Super Rare |
Rosemon (BT5-057) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Uncommon |
Argomon (BT5-058) | 6 | Green | Digimon | Rare |
Keramon (BT5-059) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Common |
Monitamon (BT5-060) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon |
Commandramon (BT5-061) | 3 | Black | Digimon | Common |
Mekanorimon (BT5-062) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Common |
Kurisarimon (BT5-063) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Common |
BlackGaogamon (BT5-064) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Common |
Shademon (BT5-065) | 4 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon |
WaruMonzaemon (BT5-066) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Rare |
Infermon (BT5-067) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Uncommon |
BlackMachGaogamon (BT5-068) | 5 | Black | Digimon | Common |
BlackWarGreymon (BT5-069) | 6 | Black | Digimon | Rare |
MetalGarurumon (BT5-070) | 6 | Black | Digimon | Super Rare |
Guilmon (BT5-071) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon |
Fake Agumon Expert (BT5-072) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon |
Pillomon (BT5-073) | 3 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
Troopmon (BT5-074) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
Musyamon (BT5-075) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
BlackGrowlmon (BT5-076) | 4 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
Vajramon (BT5-077) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
Jokermon (BT5-078) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Common |
BlackWarGrowlmon (BT5-079) | 5 | Purple | Digimon | Rare |
Zanbamon (BT5-080) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Uncommon |
ChaosGallantmon (BT5-081) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Super Rare |
ChaosGallantmon (BT5-081) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Alternative Art |
ChaosGallantmon (BT5-081) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Tactimon (BT5-082) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Super Rare |
Megidramon (BT5-083) | 6 | Purple | Digimon | Rare |
Diaboromon (BT5-084) | 6 | White | Digimon | Rare |
Armageddemon (BT5-085) | 7 | White | Digimon | Super Rare |
Armageddemon (BT5-085) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon (BT5-086) | 7 | White | Digimon | Super Rare |
Omnimon (BT5-086) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon (BT5-086) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon (BT5-086) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon (BT5-086) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon Zwart (BT5-087) | 7 | White | Digimon | Super Rare |
Omnimon Zwart (BT5-087) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon Zwart (BT5-087) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Sora Takenouchi & Joe Kido (BT5-088) | – | Blue | Tamer | Rare |
Izzy Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa (BT5-089) | – | Green | Tamer | Rare |
Arata Sanada (BT5-090) | – | Black | Tamer | Rare |
Takumi Aiba (BT5-091) | – | White | Tamer | Rare |
Nokia Shiramine (BT5-092) | – | White | Tamer | Rare |
Tai Kamiya & Matt Ishida (BT5-093) | – | White | Tamer | Rare |
Rowdy Rocker (BT5-094) | – | Red | Option | Common |
Transcendent Sword (BT5-095) | – | Red | Option | Uncommon |
Supreme Cannon (BT5-096) | – | Blue | Option | Common |
Absolute Blast (BT5-097) | – | Blue | Option | Uncommon |
Meteor Shower (BT5-098) | – | Yellow | Option | Common |
Spiral Masquerade (BT5-099) | – | Yellow | Option | Uncommon |
Royal Nuts (BT5-100) | – | Green | Option | Common |
You Can’t Actually Fly? (BT5-101) | – | Green | Option | Uncommon |
Wisselen (BT5-102) | – | Green | Option | Rare |
A Blazing Storm of Metal! (BT5-103) | – | Black | Option | Uncommon |
Catastrophe Cannon (BT5-104) | – | Black | Option | Rare |
Ultimate Flare (BT5-105) | – | Black | Option | Common |
Demonic Disaster (BT5-106) | – | Purple | Option | Common |
Revive from the Darkness! (BT5-107) | – | Purple | Option | Uncommon |
Earth Shaker (BT5-108) | – | Purple | Option | Rare |
Mega Digimon Fusion! (BT5-109) | – | White | Option | Rare |
All Delete (BT5-110) | – | White | Option | Rare |
Omnimon X-Anti-body (BT5-111) | 7 | White | Digimon | Secret Rare |
Omnimon X-Anti-body (BT5-111) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Omnimon Zwart Defeat (BT5-112) | 7 | White | Digimon | Secret Rare |
Omnimon Zwart Defeat (BT5-112) | 7 | White | Digimon | Alternative Art |
Digimon BT05 Battle Of Omni Box Topper Cards
Each box comes with one random
alternate-design version of a Tamer card from the main booster.
Card | Level | Color | Type | Rarity |
Sora Takenouchi & Joe Kido (BT5-088) | – | Blue | Tamer | Alternative Art |
Izzy Izumi & Mimi Tachikawa (BT5-089) | – | Green | Tamer | Alternative Art |
Arata Sanada (BT5-090) | – | Black | Tamer | Alternative Art |
Takumi Aiba (BT5-091) | – | White | Tamer | Alternative Art |
Nokia Shiramine (BT5-092) | – | White | Tamer | Alternative Art |
Tai Kamiya & Matt Ishida (BT5-093) | – | White | Tamer | Alternative Art |