The Wizards of the Coast Promos are promotional Pokemon cards. The Cards have been released during the Wizards of the Coast production era.
The name Black star promos have started with this collection due to the small black star with promo as mark on every card.
Since then every Pokemon promo card have been marked with the same black star symbol.

How many Wizards of the Coast Promos are there?
The Pokemon wizards promos have been released during July 1999 – March 2003. Afterwards the rights to manufacture Pokemon trading cards have been moved to the Pokemon company (Nintendo).
During the run time with wizards of the coast we got 53 unique cards to collect, some are tournament related, Movie promos, and other Pokemon merchandise and events.
Wizards of the Coast Promos Set List
Below you can check the entire list of every wizards of the coast promo card ever released:
Number | Set Name | Card Name |
1 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pikachu |
2 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Electabuzz |
3 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mewtwo |
4 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pikachu |
5 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Dragonite |
6 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Arcanine |
7 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Jigglypuff |
8 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mew |
9 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mew |
10 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Meowth |
11 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Eevee |
12 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mewtwo |
13 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Venusaur |
14 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mewtwo |
15 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Cool Porygon |
16 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Computer Error |
17 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Dark Persian |
18 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Team Rocket’s Meowth |
19 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Sabrina’s Abra |
20 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Psyduck |
21 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Moltres |
22 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Articuno |
23 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Zapdos |
24 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | _____’s Pikachu (Birthday Pikachu) |
25 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Flying Pikachu |
26 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pikachu |
27 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pikachu |
28 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Surfing Pikachu |
29 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Marill |
30 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Togepi |
31 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Cleffa |
32 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Smeargle |
33 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Scizor |
34 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Entei |
35 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pichu |
36 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Igglybuff |
37 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Hitmontop |
38 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Unown J |
39 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Misdreavus |
40 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pokemon Center |
41 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Lucky Stadium |
42 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Pokemon Tower |
43 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Machamp |
44 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Magmar |
45 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Scyther |
46 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Electabuzz |
47 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Mew |
48 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Articuno |
49 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Snorlax |
50 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Celebi |
51 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Rapidash |
52 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Ho-Oh |
53 | Wizards of the Coast Promos | Suicune |
Where To Find The Cards
The Pokemon black star promos may not be the easiest to get. After more than 25 years, some have been damaged and just forgotten.
The best way to find and buy Wizards of the Coast Promos is to search for secondary card markets such as eBay.
You may find some really nice deals, just make sure to check the images for the card quality before making a purchase or a bid.