Pokemon Jungle Set Symbol

What is Pokemon Jungle Set
The pokemon jungle set was released on June 16, 1999 and has introduced us to 64 new pokemon cards, below you can check the Pokemon Jungle Full Set List, the pack arts and the potential value as a collectable set.
Pokemon Jungle Release Date: | How Many Cards in Pokemon Jungle Set: |
June 16, 1999 | 64 Cards in Total |
Pokemon Jungle Card Set List
Check below all of the jungle set cards in a detailed full list with names, set numbers and rarities.
Card Name | Set Number | Rarity |
Clefable | 1/64 | Holo Rare |
Electrode | 2/64 | Holo Rare |
Flareon | 3/64 | Holo Rare |
Jolteon | 4/64 | Holo Rare |
Kangaskhan | 5/64 | Holo Rare |
Mr. Mime | 6/64 | Holo Rare |
Nidoqueen | 7/64 | Holo Rare |
Pidgeot | 8/64 | Holo Rare |
Pinsir | 9/64 | Holo Rare |
Scyther | 10/64 | Holo Rare |
Snorlax | 11/64 | Holo Rare |
Vaporeon | 12/64 | Holo Rare |
Venomoth | 13/64 | Holo Rare |
Victreebel | 14/64 | Holo Rare |
Vileplume | 15/64 | Holo Rare |
Wigglytuff | 16/64 | Holo Rare |
Clefable | 17/64 | Rare |
Electrode | 18/64 | Rare |
Flareon | 19/64 | Rare |
Jolteon | 20/64 | Rare |
Kangaskhan | 21/64 | Rare |
Mr. Mime | 22/64 | Rare |
Nidoqueen | 23/64 | Rare |
Pidgeot | 24/64 | Rare |
Pinsir | 25/64 | Rare |
Scyther | 26/64 | Rare |
Snorlax | 27/64 | Rare |
Vaporeon | 28/64 | Rare |
Venomoth | 29/64 | Rare |
Victreebel | 30/64 | Rare |
Vileplume | 31/64 | Rare |
Wigglytuff | 32/64 | Rare |
Butterfree | 33/64 | Uncommon |
Dodrio | 34/64 | Uncommon |
Exeggutor | 35/64 | Uncommon |
Fearow | 36/64 | Uncommon |
Gloom | 37/64 | Uncommon |
Lickitung | 38/64 | Uncommon |
Marowak | 39/64 | Uncommon |
Nidorina | 40/64 | Uncommon |
Parasect | 41/64 | Uncommon |
Persian | 42/64 | Uncommon |
Primeape | 43/64 | Uncommon |
Rapidash | 44/64 | Uncommon |
Rhydon | 45/64 | Uncommon |
Seaking | 46/64 | Uncommon |
Tauros | 47/64 | Uncommon |
Weepinbell | 48/64 | Uncommon |
Bellsprout | 49/64 | Common |
Cubone | 50/64 | Common |
Eevee | 51/64 | Common |
Exeggcute | 52/64 | Common |
Goldeen | 53/64 | Common |
Jigglypuff | 54/64 | Common |
Mankey | 55/64 | Common |
Meowth | 56/64 | Common |
Nidoran F | 57/64 | Common |
Oddish | 58/64 | Common |
Paras | 59/64 | Common |
Pikachu | 60/64 | Common |
Rhyhorn | 61/64 | Common |
Spearow | 62/64 | Common |
Venonat | 63/64 | Common |
Poke Ball | 64/64 | Common – Trainer |
How Much are Pokemon Jungle Cards Worth?
So you have several pokemon jungle cards in your possession, and you would like to know if they are worth anything.
I will note several popular and rare pokemon jungle cards you can keep an eye for, and probebly They are top most expensive jungle pokemon cards:
- Scyther Holo Rare – (10/64)
- Jolteon Holo Rare – (4/64)
- Flareon Holo Rare – (3/64)
Pokemon Jungle Booster Box and Packs

If you are looking to buy some pokemon jungle products, prepare for a hefty price to pay, the set has been around for over 20 years and the prices have gone up drastically during the years.
The pokemon jungle pack price is more affordable than the base set, but still can be worth hundreds of dollars for each pack.
You can’t find them at stores anymore, so you would have to search in secondary buying locations such as ebay or trading.

The prices for jungle booster boxes are worth a couple of thousands of dollars, which makes them pricy to get, on the other hand they are a wonderful investment item to own and collect, Even single cards can fetch a nice price over time.
Pokemon Jungle Theme Decks
The jungle set had 2 theme decks expansions to choose from:
- Water blast – featuring water and ground pokemons.
- Power Reserve – featuring grass and psychic pokemons.
You can check the full jungle theme deck card lists below:
Water Blast Theme Deck:
Theme deck contains total of: 24 Pokemons, 8 Trainers and 28 Energy cards.

Card Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Poliwag | 4 | Common |
Poliwhirl | 2 | Uncommon |
Seel | 1 | Uncommon |
Vaporeon | 1 | Holo Rare |
Machop | 2 | Common |
Rhyhorn | 3 | Common |
Rhydon | 1 | Uncommon |
Meowth | 4 | Common |
Persian | 2 | Uncommon |
Eevee | 4 | Common |
Gust of Wind | 2 | Common – Trainer |
Potion | 2 | Common – Trainer |
Professor Oak | 1 | Uncommon – Trainer |
Super Potion | 2 | Uncommon – Trainer |
Switch | 1 | Common – Trainer |
Water Energy | 14 | Energy |
Fighting Energy | 14 | Energy |
Power Reserve Theme Deck:
Theme deck contains total of: 23 Pokemons, 9 Trainers and 28 Energy cards.

Card Name | Quantity | Rarity |
Nidoran | 4 | Common |
Nidorina | 2 | Uncommon |
Oddish | 2 | Common |
Gloom | 1 | Uncommon |
Bellsprout | 4 | Common |
Weepinbell | 2 | Uncommon |
Abra | 4 | Common |
Kadabra | 2 | Uncommon |
Jynx | 1 | Uncommon |
Kangaskhan | 1 | Holo Rare |
Bill | 2 | Common – Trainer |
Gust of Wind | 2 | Common – Trainer |
Pokédex | 1 | Uncommon – Trainer |
Potion | 3 | Uncommon – Trainer |
Switch | 1 | Common – Trainer |
Grass Energy | 17 | Energy |
Psychic Energy | 11 | Energy |
Summarize The Pokemon Jungle Set
Overall the jungle pokemon set has been a nice addition to the pokemon trading card game, it gave us more options to play the game and expand our collection.
Below you can find button to search some pokemon jungle cards and products, as time goes on it gets harder to get sealed products from vintage sets, but even single cards can gain value over time so it’s good to hold onto them if you have the chance.