Detective Pikachu Full Set List
Release Date: 29.3.2019
Number of Cards in total: 18 cards
Detective Pikachu Full Set List
Below you can check all of the set cards with names, set number and rarity.
Card Name | Set Number | Rarity |
Bulbasaur | 1/18 | Common |
Ludicolo | 2/18 | Holo Rare |
Morelull | 3/18 | Common |
Charmander | 4/18 | Common |
Charizard | 5/18 | Holo Rare |
Arcanine | 6/18 | Holo Rare |
Psyduck | 7/18 | Common |
Magikarp | 8/18 | Common |
Greninja | 9/18 | Holo Rare |
Detective Pikachu | 10/18 | Holo Rare |
Mr Mime | 11/18 | Holo Rare |
Mewtwo | 12/18 | Holo Rare |
Machamp | 13/18 | Holo Rare |
Jigglypuff | 14/18 | Common |
Snubbull | 15/18 | Common |
Lickitung | 16/18 | Common |
Ditto | 17/18 | Holo Rare |
Slaking | 18/18 | Holo Rare |
Detective Pikachu Set
The Detective Pikachu TCG set was released on the 29.3.2019.
It is a special mini set containing a total of 18 cards, the Pokemon cards are visually distinct based on the Detective Pikachu movie that was released on the 8.5.2019.
The Detective Pikachu packs are smaller, and containing 4 TCG cards, (3 common and 1 rare), all of the cards inside the packs are holographic.
The set is the 15th one in the sun & moon TCG era.